The following is a letter written by Molly Geralds, who happens to be Amy Hughes' sister, that I asked her to write when she and I were talking about judging this week. Her comments and her heart made such an impression on me that I asked her to put her thoughts into words and I would share them with the rest of the group. Molly, you did a great job! Your letter came at the perfect time.
A few weeks ago, the Lord showed me that I had some wrong attitudes and characteristics that I needed to overcome. Judging and condemning were among those.
As I started working on these, I knew that my mind had to stay very aware of my attitudes for any change to take place. I must say, to go about my everyday life and try NOT to have an opinion about people or situations was not an easy task. I prayed a lot for God’s help, because this was not something I could do on my own.
When I started looking at people as just people, instead of my opinion about them, (or situations) I noticed this ‘tension’ inside me start to relax. I was immediately a lot less bothered by what they thought about me, because I was not thinking anything negative or critical about them. It was kind of free-ing. My everyday life was starting to become more joyful and happy. I was finding myself smiling a lot and being extra-nice to people I once had some sort of grudge against. None of this has been easy, though. It takes a lot of effort and hard work on my part to wake up and face my day in this whole new way.
When I do fall short (and I do a lot) I am so aware of it now and can get ‘back on track’ easier than I thought possible. Recently when someone criticized me and said something about me that I didn’t like (or agree with) I felt a lot of tension within me and felt like crying. Within minutes, I was made aware that I did not have to ‘dwell on this feeling’. I had the power within me to rise above this ‘judgment’ and not let it get to me that way. I fought back the tears and reminded myself that this person was not my judge. I did not HAVE to let them get to me. I immediately ‘cast out’ any judgment or criticism about this person and why they said it, or even what they meant by it. All of a sudden, I was in a better mood and even smiled, because I had overcome this particular incident.
Like I said, none of this is easy and I realize now that this is a process and it takes time. Little by little I am making improvement every day.
It really is a great way to live. I am enjoying my life a whole bunch more. I find myself praying for the very individuals that used to be ‘problems’ for me. Let me tell you, it’s kind of hard to be critical of someone you’ve just asked God to bless. I do a lot of praying. (emphasis mine)
My life is so much better now that I really know there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. Please pray for me and my efforts as I continue to be challenged every day.
Your sister,
Molly Geralds
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